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vivox20广告背景音乐是什么哪里可以听 vivox20广告插曲音乐详细

来源:维奇网 2017-10-10 18:19 http://www.mnw.cn/


  歌曲名:Man On A Mission

  歌手:Richard Ashcroft

  专辑:Human Conditions

  Peter Cincotti - Man On A Mission

  Ringing phones wake you up

  Pulling you away

  I forgot the end of the world

  Was scheduled for today

  Tell them you got things to do

  And one of them is me

  Tell them that you got the flu

  Ah tell them anything

  I'm a man who's on a mission

  Waking up the woman sleeping

  In your eyes

  Oh I got a very strong suspicion

  This could be the day

  That she's ready

  And she's waiting

  So tell her it's okay

  To come on out and play

  Look at your crawling back

  Smiling like a cat

  At it girl you ought to be proud

  Blowing them off like that

  Forget about what's on your mind

  Forget about your hair

  Put your little hands in mine

  Ah put them anywhere

  I'm a man who's on a mission

  Waking up the woman sleeping

  In your eyes

  Oh I got a very strong suspicion

  This could be the day

  That she's ready

  And she's waiting

  So tell her it's okay

  To come on out and play

  I don't want to talk today

  Let's put the words away

  Words don't matter anyway

  For what I wanna say

  For what I wanna say

  Put your mind

  Into neutral

  Close your eyes

  And just be kama sutral

  For where I want to go

  You don't need a map to read

  We'll find our way there naturally

  And when your body

  Is in motion

  We can just sit back

  And let it lead the way

  I'm a man who's on a mission

  Waking up the woman sleeping

  In your eyes

  Oh I got a very strong suspicion

  This could be the day

  That she's ready

  And she's waiting

  So tell her it's okay

  To come on out and play

  I'm a man who's on a mission

  Waking up the woman sleeping

  In your eyes

  Oh I got a very strong suspicion

  This could be the day

  So tell her it's okay

  To come on out and play


原标题:vivox20广告背景音乐是什么哪里听 vivox20广告插曲音乐详细介绍
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